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                     SERVICES WE OFFER

We provides an array of Mental Health Rehabilitative Services to individuals with significant mental illness who are in need of client centered, goal-directed, solution based services in their natural environment to permit or enhance functioning in the community.  We are committed to enhancing their quality of life by meeting and challenging the needs of the whole person: physical, mental, and social. We strongly believe that all individuals have goals and aspirations and a vision of their lives beyond their circumstances. We also believe that many of individuals we serve may not believe that they have goals and aspirations that are obtainable. We assist our clients in developing a belief system and we provide them with creative resources and opportunities for growth while encouraging them. Our services integrate the principles of cultural competence, addressing the impact of discrimination/stigma, and inter-system collaboration into its service philosophy.  We will provide services with consideration of linguistic preference.  An essential aspect of our services is recognizing the importance of family, community-based, and faith-based supports.  At Circle Of Hope, we provide the following services:









Skill Training & Development Service

Skills Training and Development services provides opportunities for the individual to acquire and improve skills needed to function as appropriately and independently as possible in the community; and facilitates the individual's community integration and increases his or her community tenure. Skills training and development services consist of teaching an individual the following skills: 


- Skills for managing daily responsibilities (e.g.,paying bills, attending school, and performing chores); 

- Communication Skills (e.g., effective communication and recognizing or change problematic communication styles); 

- Pro-Social Skills (e.g., replacing problematic behaviors with behaviors that are socially and culturally appropriate or developing interpersonal relationship skills necessary to function effectively with family, peer, teachers, or other people in the community); 

- Problem-Solving Skills; 

- Assertiveness Skills (e.g., resisting peer pressure, replacing aggressive behaviors with assertive behaviors, and expressing one's own opinion in a manner that is socially appropriate); 

Psychosocial Rehabilitative Services

Psychosocial rehabilitative services are social, behavioral, and cognitive interventions provided by members of an individual's therapeutic team that build on strengths and focus on restoring the individual's ability to develop and maintain social relationships, occupational or educational achievement, and other independent living skills that are affected by or the result of a serious mental illness in adults. Psychosocial rehabilitative services may also address the impact of co-occurring disorders upon the individual's ability to reduce symptomology and increase daily functioning. Psychosocial rehabilitative services that include but are not limited to, the following component services:


(1) Independent living services;

(2) Coordination services;

(3) Employment related services;

(4) Housing related services;

(5) Medication related services; and

(6) Crisis related services.

Medication Training and Support Services

Medication training and support services consist of education and guidance regarding medications and their possible side effects. Medication Training Support assist an individual in:


(1) Understanding the nature of an adult's serious mental illness or a child or adolescent's SED;

(2) Understanding the concepts of recovery and resilience within the context of the serious mental illness;

(3) Understanding the role of the individual's prescribed medications in reducing symptoms and increasing or maintaining the individual's functioning;

(4) Identifying and managing the individual's symptoms and potential side effects of the individual's medication;

(5) Learning the contraindications of the individual's medication;

(6) Understanding the overdose precautions of the individual's medication; and

(7) Learning self-administration of the individual's medication.

Crisis Intervention Services

Crisis intervention services are interventions provided in response to a crisis in order to reduce or manage symptoms of serious mental illness or SED and to prevent admission of an individual to a more restrictive environment. Crisis intervention services consist of the following interventions:


(1) An assessment of dangerousness of the individual to self or others;

(2) The coordination of emergency care services in accordance with §412.314 of this title (relating to Access to Mental Health Community Services);

(3) Behavior skills training to assist the individual in reducing distress and managing symptoms;

(4) Problem-solving;

(5) Reality orientation to help the individual identify and manage his or symptoms of serious mental illness or SED; and

(6) Providing instruction, structure, and emotional support to the individual in adapting to and coping with immediate stressors.

Case Management Services

Case Management is a service provided on an ongoing basis that includes individual assessment, service plan development, arranging for necessary services, follow-up, and ongoing monitoring of client’s status and the services delivered. Through the provision of case management, clients access the services needed through a network of social service providers in the community. Case management provides a mechanism for managing a service delivery system that is fragmented and complicated. Case management services are available to all persons eligible for services and who are willing to be full partners.

Individual Therapy Services

Our recovery-focused mental health services are provided by a multi-disciplined team which includes psychologist, social workers, and other mental health professionals working together and dedicated to helping individuals achieve a healthy happy and rewarding life. We offer a range of mental health services to address individual's needs. Our skilled staff provides care for the whole person: physical, mental and social in a comfortable confidential setting. We serve people of all ages, from children to senior citizens, with programs that include individual, group and family therapy.

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© 2019 by Circle Of Hope

All rights reserved


Office: 7324 Southwest Fwy Suite 835

Houston, Texas 77074

Tel: 832-962-8891



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